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The Church of the Latter-Day Dude

Radio Deli Blog


Sean's Horse Farm and Family Blog
by Sean Pecor

Maximum Wisdom
by Maxwell X. Schnurer

Strange Blue Planet
by Ari K

Don't Bite Blue
by "Cassandra Jupiter"

Henry's Diner Hot Coffee. Eggs and Toast.
Origanum Natural Foods 227 Main Street

Java Love

Lois The Hot Dog Lady
Secret Sandwich
Take two thick slices of Noonie's day old bread, smear Honey Cup honey mustard liberally over both. Cover both slices with green leaf lettuce. Then on one slice only lay smoked turkey on the lettuce, a tomato slice on the turkey and sprinkle it with shredded carrot. Then on the lay a slice of provolone cheese over the carrot then a green pepper ring on top of the cheese. Sprikle with sprouts. Cover with the other slice, lettuce side down. The letuce should be stuck to the bread with honey mustard so it doesn't fall off when you turn it upside down to cover the sandwich. Slice sandwich in half with a knife. Wrap in tightly in plastic wrap. Use too much wrap. Tape on label. Tadaaa! Weighs one pound. Costs Four Bucks.

Blasts from the Past!

Peter Brownell

Awodey Blast!

Clinton Blast!

Kurt Wright

Compton Blast!

Paul Lafayette

Hinda Miller and Joanna Cole

Kathy Bonilla

Charity Tensel 2003 Blast!

Whatever things

Church Street Energy System

WOMM-LP 105.9 FM Burlington

"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

-Emma Lazarus, 1883

Dick Bove 1941

WCAX 1936

***Your link 4-ever***

The 9/11 Non-conspiracist Gazetteer
by Marc Awodey

Vermonters for a Real 9/11 Investigation
by Frank Haddleton

Amendment IV

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

Ethan Allen Tower

"During the 1992 campaign, Bill Clinton sometimes spoke of a 'twofer' (two for the price of one) presidency, implying that Hillary would play an important role in his administration."
Henry's Diner

Old News
Oakledge Park
Battery Park
Leddy Park

Election Achives

Election Day was Tuesday March 3, 2009
All 2009 Burlington Candidates
2009 Mayoral Race

Bob Kiss (P)
*The Bob Kiss Interview
Andy Montroll (D)
*The Andy Montoll Interview
James Simpson (G)
*The James Simpson Interview
Dan Smith (I)
*The Dan Smith Interview
Kurt Wright (R)
*The Kurt Wright Interview

2009 City Council Races

Ward 1
Sharon Foley Bushor (I)
Jerri Kohl (G)
Ward 2
Gregory Knopps (G)
Emma Mulvaney-Stanak (P)
Nicole Pelletier (D)
Ward 3
David Cain (D)
Marrisa S. Caldwell (P)
Steve Ekberg (G)
Ward 4
Eleanor Briggs Kenworthy (R)
Nancy C. Kaplan (D)
Ward 5
Lisa Ann Oberbrunner (G)
Joan Shannon (D)
Ward 6
Mary Kehoe (D)
Kim Mason (G)
Ward 7
Ellie Blais (I)
Vincent Dober Sr. (R)
Eli Lesser-Goldsmith (D)




Channel 17's Debate Schedule!!!***
Channel 17's Streaming Video!!!
(Zoning Coverage Up Wednesday 2/7/7)

***2007 Burlington Candidates ***

2007 City Council Races

Ward One
Sharon Bushor (I)
Ward One
Ed Adrian (D)
Ed Adrian (D) Blog
Dick Bove(I)
Megan Munson-Warnken (P)
Ward Two
Jane Knodell (P)
David Rogers (I) Blog
Ward Three
Tim Ashe(P)
Loyal Ploof (I)
Ward Four
Kurt Wright (R)
Jim Holway (D) (Private Site)
Jim Holway (D) (Party Site)
Ward Five
René Kaczka-Valliere (G)
Joan Shannon(D)
Basil Vansuch(I)
Ward Six
Andy Montroll (D)
Tom Licata (I)
Ward Seven
Ellie Blais(I)
Linda Deliduka (D
Craig Gutchell(R)




Senate Race

Bernie Sanders (I)

Steve Moyer (I)

Greg Parke (R)

Richard Tarrant (R)

Tarrant's Fake Fake Blog (R)

Tarrant's Real Fake Blog (R)

Larry Drown (D)

US House Race

Dennis Morrisseau (R)

Peter Welch (D)

Martha Rainville (R)

Governor Race

Jim Douglas (R)

Scudder Parker (D)

Lieutenant Governor Race

Brian Dubie (R)

Marvin Malek(P)

John Patrick Tracy (D)

Matt Dunne (D)

Chittenden County State's Attorney

TJ Donovan (D)

Ted Kenny (D)

Rob Backus (D)

Chittenden County Senate Race

Dennis Delaney (R)




Our city's home page

2006 Burlington Candidates

2006 Burlington Ballot Questions

Mayoral candidate funding documents(From BFP 03.01.06)

2006 Mayoral Race

Bob Kiss(P)

Kiss's 7 Days Profile (Old Link)

Kiss's 7 Days Profile (New Link)

BFP on Kiss 01.28.06

BFP on Kiss 03.01.06

Kevin Curley (R)

Curley's 7 Days Profile (Old Link)

Curley's 7 Days Profile (New Link)

BFP on Curley 02.28.06

Loyal Ploof (G) (From BFP 01.21.06)

Hinda Miller (D)

Miller's 7 Days Profile (Old Link)

Miller's 7 Days Profile (New Link)

BFP on Miller 03.02.06

Louie The Cowman (I)

City Council Races

Tom Licata (I) Ward 6

Jeremy Ryan (L) Ward 7

Ellie Blais (I) Ward 7

Paul Decelles (R) Ward 7

Joanna Cole (D) Ward 7

Russ Ellis (D) Ward 4

Kevin King (R) Ward 4

BFP on Ward 3 Race 02.21.06

School Board Races

Amy Werbel ( ) Ward 5

Inspector of Election Races

Owen Mulligan (I) Ward 5

Ballot Questions

Question 9 (Yes)

Ward Seven Run-off Election

Tuesday March 21 at Hunt School

Ellie Blais (I) Ward 7

Paul Decelles (R) Ward 7

Link Graveyard

Kiss for Mayor

Blog for Burlington
Dean for America
Prog Blog (Blogger Blog)
Vermont Paleocon
Vermonters First
Zuckerman for Congress

Junktique's New Site

Junktique's Old Site

Jessica Sklar

Lake Champlain Regional
Chamber of Commerce
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
Whatever things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.
About Me
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I was born on January 18, 1973 at the Mary Fletcher on Colchester Avenue. That makes me 35 going on 36...

First a little about the family I was born into (anachronistically including my younger brother.)

My Dad (born 1899) is an Armenian who after being conscripted into the Soviet army, captured by Nazi Germans, surviving a concentration camp and spending two years of WWII as a slave laborer- came to Ellis Island on a boat in 1950. My father's grandfather was the last in a 900 year line of priests that ended when the Bolsheviks came.

My Mom (born 1937) grew up on a farm in Sudbury, near Brandon in Rutland County, went to Castleton State College and had a long and successful career as a teacher, culminating in a 30 run- first at Wheeler, then at Barnes. My mom's ancestry can be traced throughout Vermont and New England history, includes several of those who sailed to Plymouth on the Mayflower, then back to England all the way to William the Conqueror. Her blood is 15/16 English or Welsh and 1/16 Dutch.

My older brother (born 1963) -my father's from his first American marriage (to a German woman,) whom my mother adopted at nine, has spent the last 20+ years climbing the ranks in the US Army.

My younger brother (born 1977) is a local rock star bass guitar player who has played with such acts as Concentric, Gordon Stone Band, Outer Bass Project and Rumble Doll. He also teaches bass. You may have seen him play.

Now about me- here's some bullets. They are not in order and this is not a complete list.

*I've lived in Burlington my whole life, except for the last four months of 1991 when I lived in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and from June 1997 until November 1998, when I lived in Austin, Texas. Neil Cleary was in Austin the same time I was. We randomly ran into each other there twice. Once while we were both waiting in line at a post office. Once while we were both waiting in line for a urinal after the world-premier of a Jonathan Demi movie. While there, I was among a small minority of Texans eager to vote against Governor Bush's re-election. Unfortunately his democratic opponent in that race, Gary Morrow, was too weak to get my vote either. I voted for a fringie instead.

*Once I took a flying lesson in a small plane. I actully took off myself by pulling back on the handles. The instructor had the same name as my younger brother, which is rare. I took that as a good omen.

*Poopsie, Koko and Yanna are the fake names I give my wife, son and daughter respectively when I blog about them.

*I dropped out of UVM and started Haik's Secret Sandwiches in 1993. I had a cell phone, a cooler full of sandwich and "the fastest delivery in the world" as late as 3am. First alone, then with a partner, I worked 12 hours a day, seven days a week for about a year. It paid the rent and fed me, but I ate a whole lot of sandwiches. Ten years later in 2003, I finally got my BA from UVM.

*The day I graduated High School in 1991, my friend I flew to Europe and toured around for a month. That was awesome. We visited Jim Morrison's grave in Paris, Chipped at what was left of the Berlin wall until a cop caught us, and took a 36 hour train ride from Athens to Budapest. That's from A to B.

*I have shaken hands with Bill Clinton three times- Twice on the same day when he campaigned at Perkin's Pier in 1992 and once at Burlington International Airport when he came here for the National Governors Conference in 1995.

*Early in 2001 I accidently set myself on fire. My brother had just dropped me off and I wasn't feeling well. It was freezing outside. When I got in the door of my apartment on Loomis Street, I cranked up the heat, put the kettle on the gas stove and started running a hot bath in the tub. I started to warm my hands by the heater which was about a foot from the stove. After a couple of seconds I felt things were getting a little too hot and suddenly realized the back of my shirt had caught fire from the gas stove behind me. Like an idiot I tried to reach behind me and beat out the flame with my hand. My hand caught on fire too. Within a few seconds, my entire back was engulfed in flames. I tried to roll against the wall (small kitchen-not enough room to "stop, drop & roll") and that didn't work. I was alone in my apartment. Nobody was going to help me. My mind raced. "If I don't solve this problem right now I'm gonna die." I thought. There was only one answer. I threw myself back-first and fully dressed into the scalding hot bath water I was drawing. Thank God I was. With the fire out, I pulled myself out of the tub. Then the pain hit. Worst I've ever felt. I made sure no fire lingered and lumbered to the phone. I called my brother who had just dropped me off not ten minutes ago. "Uh...can you come back to my place please?" I spent two days in the hospital with second and third degree burns over most of my back. Some resident kept trying to muscle me into getting a skin graft, but I was like "Forget it!" I had to go over this guy's head to the chief burn doctor just to get out of the hospital. I had to wear a huge maxi-pad over my back for about a month, but within a year I was totally healed.

*I have run for office three times. When I was 18 I ran for mayor against Peter Clavelle and came in second in a field of four with 11% or 865 votes. Jane Sanders was essentially my campaign manager that year. She taught me how to run a political campaign and I still remember a lot of it. In 1995 I ran for city council from ward three as the Progressive Coalition nominee and won against a democratic former councilor who had lost his seat because his house was redistricted out of his ward. I was the youngest person elected to the council in Burlington’s modern history. There may have been someone younger way back in the “City Fathers” days. In 2001 I again ran for mayor against Peter Clavelle. This time I came in third in a field for four with 1% or about 87 votes. I haven't been a member of a party since 1997. I'm an Independent.

*When I left the city council in 1997, I spent two months in India and Nepal. While in India I was fortunate enough to shake hands with the Dalai Lama in Dharmsala where the Tibetan Government in Exile is seated.

*Because I have a friend whose father lives there, I have hung out on Rockaway Beach in Queens a good number of times. Once I saw the Concord leaving JFK from that Beach. It was huge and loud in the sky and very surreal.

*When its towers were still standing, I went to the top of the World Trade Center twice. The first time I had walked all the way there from Washington Square Park. I love New York City.

*I have also been to The Coliseum in Rome, The Leaning Tower in Pisa, The Taj Mahal in Agra, The Ganges River at Varanasi, The Eiffel Tower in Paris, The Acropolis in Athens, The Grand Canyon in Arizona,the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, Mount Rushmore in South Dakoda, Disney World in Orlando, The Capitol in Washington, Hollywood and Niagra Falls. Still, the number of places I’ve seen will always be dwarfed by the number of places I haven’t seen. I've never seen an Aztec or Egyptian Pyramid. I made my first trip to Armenia in 2009.

*I have taken two great American round-trip cross country road trips. The first was in a 1981 Honda accord that cost $600. The second was in 1980-something Subaru GL that cost $650. On the first trip I met an Italian guy and we drove together to Las Vegas, down to Ensenada, Mexico and through the Canadian Rockies. On the second trip I soaked in a hot spring in Idaho.

*I drove the night shift for Benway's Taxi during the summer of 1995. I only had two pukers that whole time- one out the door, and another on himself but not the cab. I was lucky when it came to passengers vomiting. I took one woman to a safehouse where she was hiding from the 'father of her children' who had bound and stabbed. "He stuck me like a pig." she told me. I drove one guy to the jail behind Denny's, he was using a lighter to seal the plastic from a cigarette pack around a nug which he explained would be going up his ass. Ah.. the night shift.

*I used to read a lot more than I do now. I’ve read Vonnegut the most, followed by Dostoevsky and Hunter S. Thompson. Before I read books, I was largely raised by television. On Friday nights in my youth I would watch The Dukes of Hazzard in one room, and then when it ended, I’d go watch Dallas with my parents in a different room. I was fully into Dallas when I was seven and eight years old. Decades later when I lived in Austin, my older brother was stationed in Oklahoma. Once my parents visited him there and followed him to a Pentecostal religious convention in Dallas. I met them there and took my parents out to the Southfork Ranch set where the show Dallas was filmed. That was neat. Before I left Dallas I visited Dealy plaza and the Sixth Floor Depository Museum.

*Poopsie were engaged within three days of meeting in late 2003. We were married on July 31 of 2004. Less then two years after that she was pregnant with our second kid. Hey, why beat around the bush, right?

*I started this blog in January of 2006. I hope you enjoy reading it.

*My all-time favorite movie is Wall Street, but Poopsie and I love to watch The Big Lebowski a lot. It also think the film Network is highly prescient.

*I want to build a marble staircase from Batterry Park down to the waterfront. Tricked out with plateaus, benches, landscaping... what a place to watch the sunset. Instant tourist attraction.
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 8:27 PM   5 comments
Good Morning
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Happy Tuesday. The next election isn't until March. People usually start running for that in January.
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 7:20 AM   3 comments
Town Meeting Tonight
Monday, November 27, 2006

Monday, November 27, 2006 6:30pm
Burlington College Community Room

Please attend this important community discussion. Encourage family, friends, and colleagues to join you and other citizens working together toward the prevention of violence against women and girls.

Guest Speakers / Burlington Pols:
T.J. Donovan, Chittenden County State's Attorney
Kurt Wright, VT State Rep. and Burlington City Council Member

Sponsored by:
Gender Studies Program
Pro Se Legal Clinic
The Caroline Baird Crichfield Fund for Women in need
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 1:28 AM   1 comments
Change is Make Benefit Glorious Blog.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Poopsie and I just saw Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan at the Nickelodeon. Little did we know one of the main characters speaks Armenian throughout the film.

The very "ballsy" role of Borat's sidekick Azamat is played by Armenian actor Ken Davitian, who while supposedly speaking Kazakh is actually speaking Amenian to Borat. (Borat's "Kazakh" is a Hebrew, Polish, Armenian, gibberish.) Poopsie caught on first, but soon even I, with my rudimentary knowledge of Armenian, could recognize phrases Azamat was using, like "let's go," "no," and "very good." By my calculation, the wild and richly deserved success of Borat may make Ken Davitian one of the most famous Armenians who ever lived.

Sacha Baron Cohen takes a lot of heat from Kazakhstan for his Borat character, but White American culture is also a prime target of his satire. The movie deftly teases out mainstream White America's enslavement to conformity, fear of strangers, bigotry and constant readiness to call the cops. Blacks, Gays and Jews in Borat are portrayed more sympathetically. In a subtle nod to his own tribe, Cohen depicts the old Jewish Couple who open their home to Borat and Azamat as the most compassionate characters in the Movie.

This film is great, important art. It is also extremely funny. It might make some people uncomfortable, but there's no need to throw it down the well.

Borat in the Eurasian Blogosphere.
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 1:27 AM   9 comments
White House at Odds with CIA on Constitution
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Here on the white house web page

it says: "The U.S. Constitution is the oldest constitution still in effect in the world."

Here on the CIA fact book site for San Marino

it says: "Constitution: 8 October 1600"
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 1:32 AM   7 comments
Freedom isn't Free.
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The world is privy to less than one percent of my thoughts. I deliberately censor most, if not all of what I say. I do not feel free. For one, I don't want to lose my job, unless or until I have another one, and then I won't want to lose that. Two, I don't want to go to jail. Not that I would ever use words in an illegal way, but I'm sure there are those who may in error deem my words illegal. Three... ah! Whatever the fuck!

I'm so tired. And I've had an ear infection for a month. CHC should give my money back. The friggin' Dr. even told me he didn't see my ear drum because of 'debris blockage' (his theory) or swelling (my feeling). Even if his weak ass drops did solve the outer ear-infection, he should have had me come back so he could look at the drum.

I just found out Saturday from a better doctor at Given-UHC that there's a nasty infection behind the eardrum, too.

I've fucking been walking around, half-deaf in my right ear, with loud ringing at night, dizzy, in pain! Because some dude was more interested in God-knows-what than he was about healing me that day.

I paid retail $78.23 for my visit to CHC on 10/24. The vinegar drops the duck-call prescribed were another $19.99.

I paid retail $53.41 for my visit to UHC (Degosbrian) on 11/11. The thirty 500mg amoxicillin caplets the doctor prescribed me were $13.78.

I've been taking a gram and a half of amoxicillin per day since Saturday, and I'm starting to feel better. I suffered for about a month prior to Saturday...

Oh FUCK talk about Saturday- after I saw the doctor I dropped my wallet in the UHC lot. Frantically looking for it, I accidentally locked Koko (pseudonym for my 2 year old son.) in the car along with my wallet, phone and keys. That was a low moment, with the ear infection, and all.

Luckily Koko's a genius and didn't have any trouble climbing into the front seat and unlocking the car. Then I called lost-and-found and they had my wallet- so it all worked out.

The point is, my blog totally rules now. I just throw shit together a lot of people probably don't "get." EG- The whole Bernie=Rocky thing I built up culminating in the bronze statue of rocky canonizing Bernie in front of the classical architecture in the mode of the Capitol, in the city (Philly) where America was born, with a Latin ode to the public good- Nobody fucking realizes how brilliant that is. Woooo!

(By the way- "America," "Patriotism," "The USA," "Our Way of Life," "Freedom," "Liberty," "Justice-" These things mean the Constitution. They are just words without that goddamn piece of paper. )

And it has to be- because I have to condense the brilliance into the time it takes to lift a picture off the net and post it back up. I have no time for this! Why do I do it? Uh oh... Dean Scream....

posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 6:35 PM   0 comments
Tobacco, Terror and Pelosi. New Template.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Tabloid Trash Talk: Was the vast right-wing conspiracy correct when they called Pelosi A Terrorist? Look at these ads for the opposing sides of the smoking debate...
Then: You Make The Call!!!

I changed blog templates finally. Think of it as me moving into a new apartment. Half my shit is here in boxes. Half my shit is back at my old place all over the floor. This place is obviously not set up yet. I like it here though. This extra column is going to come in handy, and someday when I get my act together I can use these green boxes to really organize my links. Yep. If this new format were an apartment it would have southern exposeure and a loft. I've had my own blog for almost a year now. I figure I've earned an upgrade. To quote Little Orphan Annie, I think I'm gonna like it here. Please bear with me while I'm unpacking and setting up.
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 10:01 PM   7 comments
Salus Populi Suprema Lex Esto
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 12:29 AM   6 comments
Happy Election Day
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Vote. Go HERE to talk about it and/or use the comments here to say whatever you want. Vote. You may want to heed Bernie's counsel and fill up your gas tank, too. Vote.

posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 7:47 AM   1 comments
Tarrant Arrested!
Sunday, November 05, 2006

No. Just kidding. Anybody see the VPT Senate Debate? You gotta love crazy fringies like Cris Ericson, Peter Moss, Craig Hill and Peter Diamondstone. They all went after Bernie for being too far right.

Tarrant proved he was developmentally arrested at least when he tried to make Bernie repudiate John Kerry's botched joke about Bush being a dumb ass who got stuck in Iraq. Are you kidding me? Hey Tarrant. You're an asshole. An Ass. Hole. Not only that, but you suck, Suck at politics. You Suck. Also Politics Vermont is Fake.

I'm voting for Bernie Sanders for Senate. Welch for House (so he can finally get over that close loss to Dick Snelling.) On Governor I lean toward Douglas. Gov. Lite: Marvin Malek. Auditor: Martha Abbott, State Senate- Hmmm- Maybe Dennis Delany. State Rep- I like Mark Larson. Oh and Charity Tensel for Justice of the Peace. She wants to be a government official and take your hard-earned money.


Related Posts:
What's Tarragant Got Up (or on) his Sleeve?
Monday Morning Parking Garage Edition
Monday Parking Garage Edition
Tarrant lays off 300, Raises Own Pay
Tarrant Sucks Blood (From Red Cross)
Astroturf, Nixon, and Tarrant
Deep Throat Says...(8.30.6)
Isn't it Ionic?
Sanders Crushes Tarrant in WPTZ Debate
Tarrant was Here.
A Tale of Two Stories.
WCAX Debate
Tarrant To Go Nuclear Negative
Working Class Hero
I Love Microsoft Paint
Bernie III
Tarrant's Hubris

posted by Haik Bedrosian @ 10:02 PM   3 comments
Arlena Blog

Vermont Cannabis News

Bluebird of Fairyness

Church of the Subgenius

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Briggs's Blog
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by Brian Brown

The Vermont Daily Briefing (VDB)
by Philip Baruth

Ward 5 NPA News
by Basil Vansuch

North End Neighborhood Planning Assembly (Wards 4 & 7)
by Lea Terhune

Hot Coffee, Eggs & Toast
Blogs and Websites

802 Online
by Cathy Resmer

All Things Hold Together
by Charity Tensel

Aimee Picchi: Notes on writing, journalism and Vermont.
by Aimee Picchi

As Seen In VT
by Katie Fedigan-Linton

Ash LaRose Photography (Website)
by Ash LaRose

Ash LaRose Photography (Blog)
by Ash LaRose

April's Blog (Musings)
by April Cornell

Big Heavy World
by Jim Lockridge

Bipolar Earth
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by Owen Mulligan

Blazing Indiscretions
by James Vos

by Seven Days

by Eva Sollberger

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by Ryan Orlove and Friends

by Heavenly Ryan
by David Abrams

BVT Daily News (Yahoo Group)
by Kevin Ryan

Candleblog (Original Site)
by Bill Simmon

Candleblog (New Site)
by Bill Simmon

Carolyn Bates Photography

by Carolyn Bates

Carolyn Bates Photography (Website)
by Carolyn Bates

Church Street Energy System
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Ghost of Midnight
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Identity Theory
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Inside Track
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by Jeremy Ryan

Local Action Works
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Loyal's Tidal Wave
by Loyal Ploof

Maverick Media
by Greg Guma

Penelope Post
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Radio Deli
by Pam Scanlon

Repeal IRV
by Owen Mulligan

Rip and Read
by Alex Ball

Ron Paul Movement Hour Blog
by Steve Hodska

by Mark Stephenson

She's Right (Original Site)
by Charity Tensel

She's Right (New Site)
by Charity Tensel

Spitting Out Teeth
by Jay

The 9/11 Non-conspiracist

by Marc Awodey

The Burlington Livable Community Project
by The AARP

The Bove's Blog
by Mark Bove

The Deli Magazine
by Adena Harford

The Deadbeat Club
by Eva Sollberger

The Golden Age of Robots
by Adam Rabin

The Stech Blog
by Chris Stecher

The Vermont Daily Briefing (VDB)
by Philip Baruth

Undead Molly
by "Undead Molly"

UVM College Democrats
by UVM College Democrats

VCAM (Channel 15) Blog
by Vermont Community Access Media (VCAM)

Ward 5 NPA News
by Basil Vansuch

Vermont Buzz
by The Burlington Free Press

Vermonters for a Real 9/11 Investigation
by Frank Haddleton

Yes and No
by Frank ____

Koko and Nectar

Surrounding Area
Blogs and Websites

by Michael Colby
Deborah G. Alicen. Ph.D.

Defenders Council of Vermont
by Jamie Zeppernick

Five Before Chaos (Original Site)
by JD Ryan

Five Before Chaos (New Site)
by JD Ryan

Food Stamp Mamas
by "Jeremy" and "Zappaflower"

From the Newsdesk
by Chris Fells

Green Mountain Daily
by John Odum and Friends

Green Mountain Jamie
by Jamie ______

Green Mountain Politics 1
by Christopher Potter Stewart

I must be Dreaming
by Jamie ______

Illuminati Slayer
by Peter Stevenson

Lilac Knitting
by Kristine

Minor Heresies
by "Heretic"

Norsehorse's Home on the Web
by Morgan W. Brown

Norsehorse's Home Turf
by Morgan W. Brown

Political Animal
by Steve Benen and featuring Hilzoy

Politicker VT
by Jared Corey Kushner

Reason and Brimstone
by Julie Waters and Friends

The Carpetbagger Report
by Steve Benen

The Dwinell Political Report
by James Dwinwll

The Prog Blog
by Vermont Progressives

Tirade Parade
by "Tirade25"

Vermont Commons
by Brian McClintock

Vermont Hum
by Brian McClintock

Vermont Scrap Wood
by Scrapwood

Vermont Snarky Boy
by Michael Colby

What's the point?
by "Vermonter"


Fletcher Free Library
Burlington City Arts
Burlington Free Press
Burlington College
Burlington Currency Project
Burlington Film Makers
Burlington Gardens
Preservation Burlington
Burlington Nights
Burlington Schools Coalition
Burlington Telecom

The Just Once Archives:

Amendment I

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

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Amendment VII

In suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury, shall be otherwise reexamined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.

Burlington Music Scene
Big Heavy World
Icebox Records
Live Music Beth
Tom Azarian

Other Random Websites
Radio Free Quaker
CCTV Channel 17
Here (

Ari K's Strange Blue Planet

Bach's Cello Suite #1 in G Major Prelude

"Bulldog's" Bio

My Dream House


Daily Kos

Michael Moore


CCTV Channel 17

VCAM Channel 15

Vermont Guardian

UVM Cynic

WVAA 1390 AM


90.1 WRUV FM

Lois the Hot Dog Lady

Women Helping Battered Women

Dr. Tuna, et al.


Burlington "Free" Press

WCAX Channel 3 (CBS)

WPTZ Channel 5 (NBC)


Vermont Bar Association

Chittenden Solid Waste District

Chittenden Solid Waste District

Carnegie library building

Wiki Leaks

Madeleine Kunin's Resume

Famous Vermonters Part I

Famous Vermonters Part II

True Crime in Burlington

Kennedy Family Tree

Rockefeller Family Tree

Bush Family Tree

Church of the Subgenius

Robert Anton Wilson

Right Here Writing From China!

Democracy Now!

Neighborhood Planning Assemblies

Huffington Post

Editor and Publisher

Bet on Politics!

Political Graveyard

Rasmussen Reports

Mark Fiore

Frame Shop

The King of All Media

Alexandra Kosteniuk





Boob Nazis



Center for Digital Democracy

Free Radio Burlington

The Freedom Forum

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Random Election Literature





"Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door."

-Emma Lazarus, 1883

Church Street Energy System

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Whatever things
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Whatever things
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Duis ligula lorem, consequat eget, tristique nec, auctor quis, purus. Vivamus ut sem. Fusce aliquam nunc vitae purus.